Safe Foods that are Safe to Eat with Kidney Disease

When you have a kidney problem. You will need to follow a special diet. I know, at first glance, it may seem like anything besides the word “special” but if you would like to continue living a normal life, you have diet regimes that you should try to follow. Long story short, you do not have to limit everything from your diet, but you should limit the amount you consume. Okay, let me get to the chase now …


Okay, Cauliflower it yummy and nutritious. Plus, it is packed full of nutrients, like Vitamin K, vitamin C, and the B Vitamin folate. Plus, hey, it is full of ant-inflammatory compounds and a pretty good source of fiber.

If you like mashed potatoes, hey, I’m sorry, because you should avoid potatoes because well, they are high in protein, but you can try mashed cauliflower. Hey don’t say “ew”until you have tried it, because it is pretty yummy.

Red Grapes

Oh yes, red grapes ae yummy, and give a good amount of nutrition. Ever heard how good things come in small packages? Well, grapes are one of those good things.  Grapes are high in resveratrol. which is a healthy compound that is said to help protect against diabetes.

Egg Whites

You know, egg yolk is pretty nutritious, but they contain a large amount of phosphorus, so it is best if you stick to the white part of the egg. Let’s not limit the egg all together, just eliminate the yellow part of the egg and we should to okay.


Okay, I hope you’re not a vampire, because I am including garlic on this list, I’m sorry if you are a vampire. However, when you have kidney issues, you should limit the amount of sodium you have in your diet, so let’s go for some garlic powder, instead of salt. Garlic is full of Vitamin C and Vitamin B6. Plus, it contains sulfur compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. Interesting, right?


Cabbage is a good source of Vitamin C, vitamin B and many other vitamins. Plus, hey, it’s low in potassium.


These vegetables are good in Vitamin C and fiber, Plus, they are a good source for manganese and Vitamin B6, You can have them either boiled or mash, your choice.


What would a world be like without cranberries? We can eliminate so much, but luckily, we don’t have to eliminate cranberries.

Shitake Mushrooms

Shitake mushrooms are a good source of B5 Vitamins, manganese, selenium and copper. Plus, they offer a good amount of plant based protein. 

Okay, depending on your tastes, the foods I just listed above are pretty good, right? Okay, I know life can be hard having to stick to a special diet while everyone around you are oblivious to these things, but it will be okay. Just stick to a good kidney friendly diet, go to every scheduled doctor appointment and listen to the advice they give you. If any of my readers ever have any questions, in no way am I a professional nor do I work in the medical field, but I can help you and give you advice. So, if any of my readers have any questions or need a friend to listen to them, go ahead and message me or drop a comment. Until then,   I hope this article helped you with the questions you had and I wish you the best of luck in lift. Until next time my friend, stay safe.

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