Funniest Unthinkable Places Humans Lose Their Belongings …
okay, I’m not going to say who inspired this new post, but thank you for the good idea for this blog. Throughout life, I have misplaced my belongings and found it so hard to find, even when they were right in front of me, but hey, that’s normal. So, let’s group together and think of the funniest times we have misplaced our belongings
5. The Car
so, I was looking for my coffee cup, and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I feel I looked everywhere, everywhere besides in the washer and dryer, haha. So the next day, I get in my car, and guess what was sitting there in my drink holder¿ My coffee cup. Yes, then I remembered leaving it there.
4. On Top of the House
I have a friend who was looking for her phone, and I feel we looked everywhere for it. We looked in the common areas where a phone would be Luckily she had a find my phone alarm on the phone, and the strangest thing is, the phone sound was coming from the sky. After an hour, she remembered when she last had the phone, it truth be told, it was on top of her house. She was on the roof the night she lost the phone, looking at stars.
3. In the Dog House
I have a friend who was looking everywhere for his wallet. Then, that night, he was feeding his dog, and found his wallet in the dog house. I don’t even know why his wallet was in the dog house. Maybe he slept there that night or maybe the dog took his wallet and put it here. Either way you go, if you loose something, it would be a good idea to check the dog house Or even the dogs bed.
2. In the Toilet
I have a friend who could not find her lipstick. That night, she messaged me and told me that she found her lipstick. Actually, she took a picture to show me where she found it. It was the toilet. It was her favorite lipstick, and she tossed it in the trash.
1. The Refrigerator
This entire post is inspired by these kids that I know. I’m mot naming any names, but my friend lost her ID. She doesn’t like driving without a license on her, which is u dee stand able because you should have your ID on you at all times. So, she missed out on the plans she had for that night. The next day, her boyfriend was in. The refrigerator looking for food to make for lunch, then she found her I.d. In the refrigerator. My goodness. I’m glad my friend found her ID and I’m sorry for all those troubles of not having it, but thank you for inspiring this post to write.
Okay guys, there are the tops 5 unthinkable places humans lose their belongings, so let’s move ahead, tell me about yourself, where are the funniest places you have lost your items?
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