5 Places You Should Avoid Taking Selfies At …

man holding smartphone while leaning on white wall

Here we are, living in a world where selfies are now a trend. We have people taking selfies everywhere, even in places they shouldn’t. So, that brings me to the topic of my next post titled places you should avoid taking selfies ….

Holocaust Memorial

These are the type of places I always wonder why people take selfies at. It’s not a place to be proud of. It’s a place filled with loss, so let’s shoe some respect and try not to take selfies there, okay¿ Do you guys agree with me on this¿

2. The Cemetary

Okay guys, cemeteries are nice to walk around in, and I personally like the ancient cemeteries, because there’s a lot of history there. However, the thought of taking selfies at the cemetery just doesn’t seem cool to me.

3. Holy Sites

By holy sites, I’m talking about mosques, churches, and other sacred spots. Let’s try to stay away fro. Taking selfies there guys, because these are spots for worshipping and I’m pretty sure, while you may be cute, no one worships the looks.

4. Museums

Yes, museums are cool, especially the ones with dinosaurs. I love looking at dinosaurs, they’re cool creatures that once roamed the Earth, but come on, I’m pretty sure this should be on the list of places to not take selfies. I mean, if you must take a picture, take a picture of the artwork, the selfies of yourself can wait for later.

5. In the Bedroom

Okay, some of you may may be against this, but I personally feel that the bedroom is a private place. So yes, I’m going to include that on my list of places not to take selfies at. If you disagree with me, feel free to comment and correct me.


Okay, so there you have it, the top five places you shouldn’t take selfies. I’m actually serious to know what my readers think of this, in your opinion, in the comment section, tell me the places you feel people should avoid taking selfies. Also, go ahead and drop some comments and give my readers ideas of where they should take selfies.

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